

Bituminous window flashing tape.

Thermakraft Aluband is designed specifically as a window flashing tape. Made with a bituminous adhesive, the product provides bonding and abrasion resistance.

Product Specifications

Aluband comes in four roll sizes:

Product Code Roll Size Rolls per Carton
ALU075025 75mm x 25m 12
ALU150010 150mm x 10m 6
ALU150025 150mm x 25m 6
ALU200025 200mm x 25m 4

Scope of use

Thermakraft Aluband Window Flashing Tapes can be used within the following scope:

  • Installed into and around frame joinery opening over the wall underlay and exposed frame to cover both the face and edge of the opening framing as a secondary weather resistant barrier.
  • Installed at joinery heads to seal flashing upstands to the wall membrane.
  • To assist the overall weathertightness performance of window and door joinery installations.
  • To be used in conjunction with air seals and joinery flashing systems. Installer must check for air seal product compatibility with Aluband Window Flashing Tape (for example, construction sealants and expanding foam).
  • Thermakraft Aluband Window Flashing Tape must be used with Thermakraft Corner Moulded Pieces (on windowsill corners).
  • Situated in non-cyclonic wind zones up to, and including N3.


  • Compatible with Thermakraft building membrane. 
  • Unaffected by LOSP or other solvent based treated timber. However, LOSP or other solvent based treated timber must have sufficient time for the solvent to flash off in a well ventilated area. Recommended minimum 7 days.
  • Thermakraft corner moulds MUST be used at flashing corners (see installation guide).


  • Must NOT be exposed to the weather or UV for more than 42 days.
  • Should be installed when temperatures are above 5°C.
  • NOT designed to overcome poor detailing and workmanship of the window or door joinery installation. 
  • Bitumen may react with window sealants.  Always check compatibility before use. 


Aluband Window Flashing Tape is expected to have a serviceable life equal to that of the wall cladding provided:

  • It is not damaged. 
  • Installed in accordance with installation guide. 
  • Is not left exposed to the weather or UV for more than 42 days. 
  • Is compatible with wall cladding system and construction sealants; foam or air seals products used **.

** Specifiers and product user must test for wall cladding system and construction sealants; foam or air seals products' compatibility with Aluband Window Flashing Tape before installation. 

Product Warranty

Standard Kingspan Insulation warranty applies. Call 1300 247 235 for further details on Kingspan Insulation Warranty Statement. 

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Corner Moulds

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